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Calm Sea
  • Imran Tabet

I remember.

I love myself and I hold myself. I am safe in my body. I love myself. My heart is my friend. My home is in my body. It is being me. Forgiving myself. Loving myself. Holding myself. Because I deserve it. Just because I deserve it. My fears may be strong at times but my remembrance will grow and has grown so much already. I know these things are repeated again and again, but only when the heart understands and feels, do I really get it. Like a homing beacon inside that recognizes truth behind all illusions. It is always on. It's nowhere out there, it's all in here. In my heart. Like a treasure hidden behind thick foliage.

I remember.

I remember that before coming here and being born, I was complete. There was nothing to achieve. I remember the part of me that cannot be compromised. The hardest diamond that will shine regardless of what happens to me or to my body.

I remember.

I choose to remember. To make others happy, I need to treat myself with Love and compassion. I love you, body. With you, I am safe. I love my self. I don't want to treat you like something I have to breed by force. I now choose to feed you like something I Love. Like there's only you and me. Because there is. There's just you and me. My body, my mind, friends, lovers, family, my environment, all circumstances and all things are intertwined, entangled and woven together in a continuum. And then there's me. The witness of it all. There's one bird that eats the fruit of the tree and another that just watches. In silence. With Love. And when my body will cease, and the bird eating the fruit has had its last meal, I will greet it with open wings, and an open heart.

I remember.

I remember that time doesn't exist, except when it runs out. When it runs out, I shall remember. And so I choose to remember. Remember how to die, so I may live with Love. I remember to let go and forgive. Death is not the end. To be reborn, you have to die first. To remember, you have to forget. To find yourself, you have to be lost. To conquer, you first have to loose. And so today I choose to die, to forget, to be lost, and to loose. So that I may be reborn, remember, find myself and conquer. Cast away the shadows by igniting the fire. The fire to overcome.

Today on my last day, I remember.

I remember why I came. I was looking for Love. The Love I never had, the one I thought was lost. Today I remember it was with me all along. Right here, in my heart.

Thank you Bali and all of you that made this journey so sweet and for making me remember.

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