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Calm Sea
  • Imran Tabet

Peace and fulfillment.

You are not the one who is kind,

it is love's honesty that perspires from you.

You are not the one who is peaceful,

it is love's elevation that passes through you. You are not the one who is compassionate,

it is love's unseen hand that moves you.

You are not the one who listens,

it is love's harmony that blossoms within you.

You are not the one who is generous,

it is love recognizing itself that reaches out through you.

You are not the one who admires,

it is love's loving eyes that gaze back at you.

Player of the universe's songs, bow to yourself and recognize,

that your awareness of being exists solely as an expression,

of the universe trying to witness itself through you.

Like every mother giving birth to her child,

wishing her baby peace and fulfillment,

the universe offers you to drink her tonic,

to quench your honest thirst for love.

Open your eyes and heart, and listen to the universe,

whispering her sacred song through all our lips,

that love is the force within that wishes to recognize itself,

in everything.

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