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Calm Sea
  • Imran Tabet

Possibility becomes only a memory.

Inspiration: the feeling of seeing possibilities that are only revealed when calm.

Each one of us is bound to sail the seas of a planet with an infinite ocean until our time has come. On this planet, we live our lives as captains of a vessel. As on the planet, we are alone on our vessel. There are no instruction manuals or teachers who can teach us how to direct our course.

Most of the time we are caught up in powerful cyclones. Our sole focus is on keeping the vessel afloat, at all costs. In these moments, the ocean's horizon beyond vanishes. The infinite ocean collapses into nothingness, and the sea of possibility becomes only a memory. We pray for a future day in which the cyclone calms its temperament as we brace ourselves for a tempestuous journey.

As we are the captain of our ship, so are we the creator of the cyclone it has to go through. The creator of storms has within her the capacity to make the cyclone subside. Simply by letting go. Once the winds have died down and the sky has cleared, we can gaze into the vastness of the equanimous sea.

Let go of your ship's command, for there is nowhere to go. Your planet is only ocean. No course is nobler than another. All we are here to do is to learn how to let the winds of our own selfish desires die down, so that our souls may sail in peace in the vast ocean of love keeping our vessel afloat.

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